20 research outputs found

    Author Correction:Mutual interaction of red blood cells influenced by nanoparticles (Scientific Reports, (2019), 9, 1, (5147), 10.1038/s41598-019-41643-x)

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    Mutual interaction of red blood cells influenced by nanoparticles

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    Despite extensive studies on different types of nanoparticles as potential drug carriers, the application of red blood cells (RBCs) as natural transport agents for systemic drug delivery is considered a new paradigm in modern medicine and possesses great potential. There is a lack of studies on the influence of drug carriers of different compositions on RBCs, especially regarding their potential impact on human health. Here, we apply conventional microscopy to observe the formation of RBC aggregates and optical tweezers to quantitatively assess the mutual interaction of RBCs incubated with inorganic and polymeric nanoparticles. Scanning electron microscopy is utilized for direct observation of nanoparticle localization on RBC membranes. The experiments are performed in a platelet-free blood plasma mimicking the RBC natural environment. We show that nanodiamonds influence mutual RBC interactions more antagonistically than other nanoparticles, resulting in higher aggregation forces and the formation of larger cell aggregates. In contrast, polymeric particles do not cause anomalous RBC aggregation. The results emphasize the application of optical tweezers for the direct quantitative assessment of the mutual interaction of RBCs influenced by nanomaterials

    Optical Tweezers in Studies of Red Blood Cells

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    Optical tweezers (OTs) are innovative instruments utilized for the manipulation of microscopic biological objects of interest. Rapid improvements in precision and degree of freedom of multichannel and multifunctional OTs have ushered in a new era of studies in basic physical and chemical properties of living tissues and unknown biomechanics in biological processes. Nowadays, OTs are used extensively for studying living cells and have initiated far-reaching influence in various fundamental studies in life sciences. There is also a high potential for using OTs in haemorheology, investigations of blood microcirculation and the mutual interplay of blood cells. In fact, in spite of their great promise in the application of OTs-based approaches for the study of blood, cell formation and maturation in erythropoiesis have not been fully explored. In this review, the background of OTs, their state-of-the-art applications in exploring single-cell level characteristics and bio-rheological properties of mature red blood cells (RBCs) as well as the OTs-assisted studies on erythropoiesis are summarized and presented. The advance developments and future perspectives of the OTs’ application in haemorheology both for fundamental and practical in-depth studies of RBCs formation, functional diagnostics and therapeutic needs are highlighted

    Influence of Pulsed He–Ne Laser Irradiation on the Red Blood Cell Interaction Studied by Optical Tweezers

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    Optical Tweezers (OT), as a revolutionary innovation in laser physics, has been extremely useful in studying cell interaction dynamics at a single-cell level. The reversible aggregation process of red blood cells (RBCs) has an important influence on blood rheological properties, but the underlying mechanism has not been fully understood. The regulating effects of low-level laser irradiation on blood rheological properties have been reported. However, the influence of pulsed laser irradiation, and the origin of laser irradiation effects on the interaction between RBCs remain unclear. In this study, RBC interaction was assessed in detail with OT. The effects of both continuous and pulsed low-level He–Ne laser irradiation on RBC aggregation was investigated within a short irradiation period (up to 300 s). The results indicate stronger intercellular interaction between RBCs in the enforced disaggregation process, and both the cell contact time and the initial contact area between two RBCs showed an impact on the measured disaggregation force. Meanwhile, the RBC aggregation force that was independent to measurement conditions decreased after a short time of pulsed He–Ne laser irradiation. These results provide new insights into the understanding of the RBC interaction mechanism and laser irradiation effects on blood properties

    In vitro influence of 520 nm diode laser irradiation on red blood cell spontaneous aggregation studied by optical tweezers and light microscopy

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    The laser has biomodulation effects on blood properties thus could regulate the microcirculation. The laser-RBC interaction mechanism is unclear, whereas most studies provide statistical results and lack detailed observations of laser irradiation effects on blood rheology. This study is designated to probe the in vitro effects of 520 nm diode laser irradiation on red blood cells (RBCs) mutual interaction properties in spontaneous aggregation process in autologous plasma by optical tweezers (OTs), with an attempt to reveal the laser-RBC interaction outcomes at a single-cell level. The results preliminarily show that though the laser irradiation statistically inhibited the increase of the size of RBC aggregates compared with the non-irradiating group, the aggregation force between single RBCs increased slightly with the time of irradiation

    Impact of Nanocapsules on Red Blood Cells Interplay Jointly Assessed by Optical Tweezers and Microscopy

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    In the framework of novel medical paradigm the red blood cells (RBCs) have a great potential to be used as drug delivery carriers. This approach requires an ultimate understanding of the peculiarities of mutual interaction of RBC influenced by nano-materials composed the drugs. Optical tweezers (OT) is widely used to explore mechanisms of cells’ interaction with the ability to trap non-invasively, manipulate and displace living cells with a notably high accuracy. In the current study, the mutual interaction of RBC with polymeric nano-capsules (NCs) is investigated utilizing a two-channel OT system. The obtained results suggest that, in the presence of NCs, the RBC aggregation in plasma satisfies the ‘cross-bridges’ model. Complementarily, the allocation of NCs on the RBC membrane was observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), while for assessment of NCs-induced morphological changes the tests with the human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC) was performed. The combined application of OT and advanced microscopy approaches brings new insights into the conception of direct observation of cells interaction influenced by NCs for the estimation of possible cytotoxic effects

    Hemorheological alterations of red blood cells induced by 450-nm and 520-nm laser radiation

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    Proper rheological properties of red blood cells (RBC) including flexibility and aggregability are essential for healthy blood microcirculation. Excessive RBC aggregation has been observed to be associated with many pathological conditions and is crucial in acute circulatory problems. Low-level laser radiation (LLLR) has been found to have positive effects on the rheology of human blood, however, the detailed mechanisms of blood photobiomodulation remains unclear. In this study, utilizing the single-cell technique optical tweezers (OT) and traditional light microscopy, the influence of photobiomodulation of human RBC was examined under different conditions of laser irradiation. The results revealed that high radiant exposure (over 170.5 J/cm 2 radiant fluence) caused enhanced RBC aggregation and cell shape transformation while the aggregation force between single RBC remained unchanged. LLLR with radiant fluence below 9.5 J/cm 2 by 450 nm wavelength improved the RBC deformability, weakened the strength of cell-cell interaction in the RBC disaggregation process, and showed rejuvenating effects on RBC suspended in a harsh cell environment

    Impact of Plasmonic Nanoparticles on Poikilocytosis and Microrheological Properties of Erythrocytes

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    Plasmonic nanoparticles (NP) possess great potential in photothermal therapy and diagnostics. However, novel NP require a detailed examination for potential toxicity and peculiarities of interaction with cells. Red blood cells (RBC) are important for NP distribution and the development of hybrid RBC-NP delivery systems. This research explored RBC alterations induced by noble (Au and Ag) and nitride-based (TiN and ZrN) laser-synthesized plasmonic NP. Optical tweezers and conventional microscopy modalities indicated the effects arising at non-hemolytic levels, such as RBC poikilocytosis, and alterations in RBC microrheological parameters, elasticity and intercellular interactions. Aggregation and deformability significantly decreased for echinocytes independently of NP type, while for intact RBC, all NP except Ag NP increased the interaction forces but had no effect on RBC deformability. RBC poikilocytosis promoted by NP at concentration 50 μg mL−1 was more pronounced for Au and Ag NP, compared to TiN and ZrN NP. Nitride-based NP demonstrated better biocompatibility towards RBC and higher photothermal efficiency than their noble metal counterparts

    Red blood cells and novel nanomaterials:towards nanosafety and nanomedicine

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    Abstract Nanomaterials are an essential part of modern life due to their extensive use in industrial and commercial products and future personalized medicine. In recent years, new nanoparticles (NPs) have been introduced in bioimaging, diagnostics, drug delivery, and therapy. Along with the production growth of NPs, concerns about NPs safety for human health have been raised. As blood is an inevitable target for NP-based pharmaceutics at systemic NP-based drug administration, the investigation of the poorly understood effects of NPs on blood properties is of high demand. The present thesis focuses on the assessment of commercial and novel synthesized NPs towards the haemorheologica l properties of the main blood cellular component — red blood cells (RBCs). In the research for this thesis, RBC morphology, deformability and mutual interactions were examined at non-haemolytic concentrations of NPs. A revolutionary optical tweezers technique revealed subtle effects of indirect toxicity towards mutual RBCs interactions and deformability. Further, additional conventional optical microscopy analysis revealed the influence of NPs on RBC interactions on a multicellular level, while scanning electron microscopy (SEM) enabled high-resolution monitoring of RBCs surfaces and morphological alterations triggered by NPs. Another aim of the study addressed the unclear mechanism behind RBC interactions. Experimental evidence of the definitive role of the size and proportion of macromolecules in RBC interactions was provided. The mixture of natural polymer dextran mimicking plasma protein composition induced an RBC interaction mode similar to one observed in blood plasma. Thus, the new hybrid model combining “cross-bridges” and “depletion” effects was proposed. The reported findings contribute to the fundamental understanding of RBC interactions and can help to facilitate the design and clinical validation of polymer-based plasma expanders and novel NPs for safe and beneficial use.Tiivistelmä Nanomateriaalit ovat olennainen osa nykyaikaista elämäntapaa, sillä niitä käytetään laajasti teollisissa ja kaupallisissa tuotteissa sekä tulevaisuuden yksilöllisessä lääketieteessä. Viime vuosina uusia nanopartikkeleita (NP) on otettu käyttöön biolääketieteellisessä kuvantamisessa ja diagnostiikassa sekä lääkkeiden antamisessa ja terapiassa. NP:iden tuotannon kasvun myötä on noussut esiin huoli niiden turvallisuudesta ihmisten terveydelle. Koska veri on väistämätön kohde NP-pohjaisille lääkkeille systeemisessä NP-pohjaisessa lääkkeen annossa, on nanopartikkelien vähän tutkittujen, veren ominaisuuksiin kohdistuvien vaikutusten selvittämiselle suuri tarve. Kyseinen opinnäytetyö keskittyy kaupallisten ja uusien syntetisoitujen nanaopartikkelien arviointiin verisolujen pääkomponentin eli punasolujen (RBC) hemorheologisten ominaisuuksien osalta. Tämän työn tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin punasolujen morfologiaa, muodonmuutoksia ja keskinäisiä vuorovaikutuksia ei-hemolyyttisissä NP-pitoisuuksissa. Vallankumouksellinen optinen pinsettitekniikka paljasti epäsuoran myrkyllisyyden hienovaraiset vaikutukset punasolujen keskinäiseen vuorovaikutukseen ja muodonmuutokseen. Lisäksi tavanomainen optinen mikroskopia-analyysi paljasti NP:iden ja RBC:n vuorovaikutukset monisoluisella tasolla, kun taas pyyhkäisyelektronimikroskopia (SEM) mahdollisti punasolujen pintojen ja NP:iden laukaisemien morfologisten muutosten korkearesoluutioisen seurannan. Tutkimuksen toisena tavoitteena oli selvittää punasolujen vuorovaikutuksen taustalla olevaa epäselvää mekanismia. Työssä esitettiin kokeellisia todisteita makromolekyylien koon ja osuuden lopullisesta roolista punasolujen vuorovaikutuksessa. Plasmaproteiinikoostumusta jäljittelevän luonnollisen polymeerin dekstraanin seos indusoi punasolujen vuorovaikutusmuodon, joka on samanlainen kuin veriplasmassa havaittu. Siten työssä ehdotettiin uutta "ristisiltoja" ja "tyhjennystä” yhdistävää hybridimallia. Raportoidut löydökset auttavat ymmärtämään punasolujen vuorovaikutuksia ja voivat helpottaa polymeeripohjaisten plasmalaajenninten ja uusien nanopartikkelien suunnittelua sekä niiden kliinistä validointia turvallisen ja hyödyllisen käytön mahdollistamiseksi